Rental Karts
Track A

Maximum number of drivers: 12 on circuit. Formula-K does not take manual bookings for less than 12 people. Online bookings are mandatory.

Participants must be 10 years or older. Must be 150 cm or taller. Closed-toed shoes are required when racing. We have a Zero tolerance policy with alcohol. Minors are required to have a parental waiver signed before racing. Karting is a non-contact sport, any reckless driving or bad sportsmanship will lead to disqualification.
Bookings can be made via online booking. Bookings for quick races can be paid in full upon online booking or at the track before you race. We welcome bookings on the day itself if not too busy, available times are on the online calendar. A first-come-first-serve principal will be handled.
All participants are required to arrive 45 minutes before the actual race time for preparation. During this time, we will check in all participants, give the safety briefing and get assistance with choosing the correct helmets. If the group or individual participants are running late, participants will miss out, no refunds can be given.
If you need to cancel your arrive and drive session(s), you have to notify us by writing an e-mail to info@formula-k.co.za No refunds can be given on booked sessions or deposits.